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Ace Cruncher
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BADGERS CLUB peace good luck cool

Hey you !

If you are one of the lucky badgers clubbers which crunch as you can, and due it invested at least:

* a lot of time * willingness * commitment * engagement * hope
* knowledge * pioneerism * effort * expertise * hard work * help
* positive behavior * friendship * patience * wisdom * funny spirit
* and so on

and as a result of this interesting combined characteristics (along side of many other which for sure I forgot), have had luck enough to be rewarded with a single one or maybe the full set of WCG projects badges launched until now, or maybe any kind of badges compositions or funny schemes, doesn't matter of what kind or level type, so you are very welcome and invited to share here with us your thoughts !

Additionally, if you don't get any badge yet until now and pursue it, dosen't matter if will delay days or years to get, and have the funny behavior to dream and share with us your ideas and thoughts about it, so you are very welcome and invited to join us here too.

smile laughing biggrin wink cool applause applause hugs hugs dancing dancing dancing idea idea idea good luck good luck good luck peace peace peace coffee coffee coffee

Edits: Title, typo, subjects, images, phrases changes. The original title of this thread was changed from: FULL SET OF BADGES CLUB for BADGERS CLUB, in order to acomodate all crunchers as possible, once it is for fun and enjoyment as exaustively mentioned below.
Cheers ! GIB@ peace coffee
Join BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID team and be very happy !

[Edit 3 times, last edit by GIBA at Mar 12, 2010 10:14:41 PM]
[Feb 26, 2010 6:18:26 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: cool good luck peace FULL SET OF BADGES CLUB peace good luck cool

You forgot the MOST IMPORTANT criteria: The date that you first started crunching biggrin

Four of those projects were complete before I stumbled upon WCG, AC@H hasn't resurfaced in almost 2 years and my three lonely dddt2 WU haven't been validated yet. cool
[Feb 26, 2010 6:37:21 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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Re: cool good luck peace FULL SET OF BADGES CLUB peace good luck cool

And also, not forgetting the projects that your machine(s) weren't qualified for - either due to the OS/machine type or the WCG client (UD vs. BOINC).

[Feb 26, 2010 7:13:10 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: cool good luck peace FULL SET OF BADGES CLUB peace good luck cool

And also, not forgetting the projects that your machine(s) weren't qualified for - either due to the OS/machine type or the WCG client (UD vs. BOINC).

True. I should have thought of that too
[Feb 26, 2010 8:41:10 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Master Cruncher
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sad Re: cool good luck peace FULL SET OF BADGES CLUB peace good luck cool

I will never qualify, whatever I do. crying crying crying

[Feb 26, 2010 11:33:51 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: BADGERS CLUB peace good luck cool

For sure !

beside of it, there are a lot of other factors, criteria, aspects and characteristics that we need mention along side of the above ones.

But remember that even for the actual 16 Badges clubbers, including myself, during the ancient times of WCG, when we started, for long time we have just one and months later two projects to crunch, and when some projects started (including the hard ones: HCMD, GC, HDC, and after the AC@H), there aren't a lot of resources that we have available today as basics which allow us have better performances and excelent management of things, in a very easy way in the most of cases.

So at that time we don't have a lot of things that we know and use very well today, and believe me that many are things are very basic like:

* Badges (there aren't badges for a long time after WCG started).

* Badges like today (it begun like simple signals to identify each project, became signals inside squares in 3 colorful levels, and now was increased for 6 levels. Soon more).

* Badges races, dares, challenges, and incentives through the foruns threads.

* Beta tests like today, including the choice option in your settings at yours My Page, to select crunch Beta tests like today.

* A forum that run like today.

* Focus on share resources among the projects to produce badges for all, and more high levels at least were it was possible.

* Focus on foruns threads about projects, with special attention on recognition threads or similars about badges, which keep many badge lovers minds on...

* The FIFO WU's dilemma, very common in the UD agent times (First In First Out), which many times finished WU's with errors (many times).

* Instability of UD agent, which make many good people lost patience and a lot of work done.

* Multicore machines available.

* Fast and supportive single core machines.

* Bandwitch connection availability at reasonable prices at that time (AC@H was a project which impacted crunchers due this factor, for example).

* BOINC client and BOINC manager and BOINCView and BOINCStats and BAMStats, and anything related with BOINC.

* Rules to get badges like today.

* Estimative of the end of the projects and consistents announces about the status of each project (were we are status and consistent forecasts).

* Queue features and possibilities to process projects in a very poor and bad UD client.

* Multiproject selection criteria to manages the queues and the agents.

* Profile management in the client, no distinction among the projects to be processed among the clients.

* And so on...

So, if maybe 4 or 5 of this formidable features above have had became available or solved at begining of WCG, probably today we are seeing a lot of old crunchers with a complete SAPPHIRE sets, and additionaly for many ones a special side effect of have a significant cumulative buffer of time shared among the projects, enough to conquest all new high levels badges that will be available in the near future... (badge focus goals provoques it, without focus and attention on that the chances to see it was reduced...).

And I probably make many mistakes in my descriptions above, and probably forgot many other that are very important too.

So, my apologies but past more than 5 years since WCG begun (and since I started here migrating from other important projects from the pre history of grid computing, like or GIMPS or SETI or Folding@Home or UD/ or CPDN and so on, and crunching all other projects unfortunatelly at sametime of WCG - share of machine resources with legacy projects, and crunching with single cores slow machines, at least was produced a lot of less focus on WCG results...), my memories about all scenaries aren't so good to keep all things clear at a snapshot like that, but probably I reached the main points or pass very close to (I guess).

And now, we all the proud crunchers of WCG, that have the opportunity to crunch like there's no tomorrow, and get all blueish SAPPHIRE badges available to help a lot the humanity on that, will be very lucky once the most of WCG crunchers will not have conditions to get it never !

And I really will bet by now that with the launches scheduled for CEP2 and IADS2 projects, probably we will see a lot of crunchers that will not conquest the new projects badges (due the short time estimated for this projects and the special specifications like we saw in DDDT2).

But it is my thoughts... doesn't matter if make sense like yours, once it is for fun and entertainment only ! wink

All WCG are welcome to post thoughts here ! good luck peace coffee

Edit: Title change
Cheers ! GIB@ peace coffee
Join BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID team and be very happy !

[Edit 4 times, last edit by GIBA at Mar 12, 2010 10:15:28 PM]
[Feb 26, 2010 11:46:11 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: cool good luck peace FULL SET OF BADGES CLUB peace good luck cool

Well said GIBA and congrats on your new 4x4 biggrin coffee
[Feb 26, 2010 11:54:15 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: BADGERS CLUB peace good luck cool

I will never qualify, whatever I do. crying crying crying

But think that you can qualify for all active projects by now and for the future ones too !

Anyway, with yours planetary system running at full speedy, you have a powerful house to produce great badge results for fun and for the humanity !

Think ever that any badge conquested is a reward, so keep crunch on ! biggrin cool idea good luck applause hugs laughing peace coffee

Edit: Title change
Cheers ! GIB@ peace coffee
Join BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID team and be very happy !

[Edit 2 times, last edit by GIBA at Mar 12, 2010 10:16:00 PM]
[Feb 26, 2010 11:59:57 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: BADGERS CLUB peace good luck cool

Thanks Brinktastee,
I follow you for long time now across the foruns, and when I saw your impressive blueish set of badges, I guess that probably you have some crunch time registered to HCMD1, but not enough to get the badge...

So due it, I just remember that many crunchers have the same situation than you, were just the statistics was registered about a specific project and just for their eyes at their MY GRID page... (think about DDDT2 statistics until now, for example, once for many crunchers yet the reality is just statistics not badges for while...).

So it make me think that, if in the future, WCG could change the badge rules again and establish new rules which provide a special badges for crunchers that have, for example, at least one result or day of any project crunched... (maybe a simple signal like we had at the begining times of WCG badge race, just to identify the project which today are inserted in the squares...)... imagine the possibilities...

And, before anyone beat me with contrary coments and long structured defenses against my idea (probably not mine once appear be so much obvious to not be mentioned before away...) about the rules of WCG, and disagrees with me that WCG never will need change the rules in this way once will broke the continuity of badge rules...

I just would like to remembered that it was made many times before...

Specially when WCG changed the initial rules of WCG and created the badges scenarios without granted all badges created for crunchers which not qualifyed until that time according the new rules. And in my humble opinion WCG must be doing it by just a simple abrangence inclusion (like rights conquested due the hard work done before) of anyone who was crunched hardly the projects ran until that time, since begining times without to know that it will be created a day (so never put special focus on it before, and so on).

And when changed the rules before it, moving from signals badges to colorful squares with 3 levels of badges.

And when changed the rules again, when establish a distinct rules just to acommodate the hard difficult of crunchers on the AC@H projet, and in this way get reward few crunchers with badges levels for this very short and restrictive project (I remembered very well about the long thread discussions at that times of AC@H once pursued very hardly this WU's for almost all project duration, for long time, until read a simple post almost at the last month of the project, were a coleague sharing with us the simple secret of setting up the upload/download values in the Boinc code to allow get WU's, despite of the connection bandwidth limitations...).

And when changed the rules again to create more 3 levels, to establish the actual 6 colorful set of badge levels.

And so on forever... in the search to get the best way to try acomodate the new badges scenarios and natural WCG projects evolution, besides the increasing of computation capacity and power, but never being complaint with the old crunchers that contributed before the new qualifying rules be created (and in this way, those crunchers haven't conditions and information enough in time before, to pursue the badges in the best way that they can before the new rules became valid, with clear prejudice of anyone that had all signals badges at begining time, and the gold levels badges after it, and the sapphire levels badges by now, and so on when new levels became available - and I believe that it will happen for sure...).

So, under mine point of view, it will ever be broked each time that WCG will need create new levels of badges... as a natural evolution of WCG badges rules, and ever will be with prejudice of the old crunchers that reached the most high level badges known until the date before, and become naturally acomodated... it happenned with me at begining times and after it again, and probably with many mates since WCG started.

So, there are no great rules without bad prejudices besides rules for someones, and probably will be very hard to WCG get go back and fix it with some rewardeds of badges at some levels for someones that now feel stolen due some new rules which broken the prior status of things, which naturally excluded those ones in many situations (I can't believe that WCG will regreat, assume the mistakes/errors about it, and review it in benefit of those people... but the lucky and the idea was launched !).

Just a thought to share with all too, and probably another factor / criteria to be inserted in my list above... devilish


Edit: Title changes
Cheers ! GIB@ peace coffee
Join BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID team and be very happy !

[Edit 4 times, last edit by GIBA at Mar 12, 2010 10:16:30 PM]
[Feb 27, 2010 12:41:45 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
Ace Cruncher
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Re: BADGERS CLUB peace good luck cool

Just saw in other thread, a post from Dataman / Uplinger:,28531_offset,50

I just made it, plus might be the first in the club 16 :) :) biggrin


Congrat's! It looks like a Rubics Cube. biggrin cowboy

that probably Uplinger was at least one of the first full set of badges clubbers reached the latest Rubics Cube... biggrin cool tongue

So, congratulations to Uplinger and all crunchers which got it now ! applause applause applause hugs hugs hugs coffee coffee coffee

Edit: Title changes
Cheers ! GIB@ peace coffee
Join BRASIL - BRAZIL@GRID team and be very happy !

[Edit 2 times, last edit by GIBA at Mar 12, 2010 10:16:57 PM]
[Feb 27, 2010 12:59:12 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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