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Re: WCG's ethical guidelines for volunteer DC

That's it?

After all this we get a hushing, instead of an apology for the deceptive marketing of this grid. How about some basic transparency, WCG?

The apology should come from the member who posted such foul language here.

I haven't said anything wrong about any of forum members in this topic! so should I say sorry to the some company?

The apology should be to the members who happened to read your invective.
& I did mean what I wrote...
That's disgusting.
[Sep 30, 2015 1:56:01 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: WCG's ethical guidelines for volunteer DC

That's it?

After all this we get a hushing, instead of an apology for the deceptive marketing of this grid. How about some basic transparency, WCG?
My comment was not intended to silence the discussion, but a reminder to keep the discussion civil and productive. Rest assured this thread is being watched, and when the entire support team isn't heads down working on launching a new phase of a project (the reason most members are here), we will respond to some of the comments posted in this thread.

Thank you,
[Sep 30, 2015 2:27:52 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: WCG's ethical guidelines for volunteer DC

You people who have english as a first language, how many other languages do you speak? My guess is most of you only know how to speak english, and perhaps a few dirty words in spanish. So instead of complaining about mine and KLiK's ability to write in your language, perhaps you should try to express your opinion regarding the topic of the thread instead. Or do what Soong does, go and get drunk.

The only way you'll be able to silence us, is with facts and/or good arguments. I'm still waiting for somebody to answer the question: what is wrong with transparency and why are some of you opposing it -- especially when the researchers are asking us to donate our money?

I've asked this question many times in the thread, and I'm still waiting for a satisfactory answer. In fact, most of the people who have tried to bite off my head, have avoided this question every time I've asked it. If somebody can convince me that transparency is bad, I'll change my mind and accept WCG's lack of it.

Saying, it's best this way because it has always been this way, simply wont do. Hitting me in the head with a baseball bat while saying my only choice is to either accept the lack of transparency or leave WCG, is an answer I'll accept only if it comes from WCG. Certainly not if it comes from another cruncher like me.

I'll drop this subject for now. But I can already tell you I don't expect any positive answer from WCG, if any at all.
[Sep 30, 2015 6:52:58 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: WCG's ethical guidelines for volunteer DC

You people who have english as a first language, how many other languages do you speak? My guess is most of you only know how to speak english, and perhaps a few dirty words in spanish. So instead of complaining about mine and KLiK's ability to write in your language, perhaps you should try to express your opinion regarding the topic of the thread instead. Or do what Soong does, go and get drunk.

Oh no you don't. You will not get away with trying to explain KLiK's behaviour on his ability to write in english. KLiK writes very well in english and there is no problem understanding him. It was very clear what he was saying. Try sticking to the merits of your case and stop with the insults.
[Sep 30, 2015 8:06:44 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: WCG's ethical guidelines for volunteer DC

twilyth, I take that back. Darwin was correct.
I'll accept only if it comes from WCG. Certainly not if it comes from another cruncher like me
Then you will understand that we will don't see the need.......

As for English, last time I read (well, checked) the Oxford English Dictionary, there are no such words as "d" or "u" or "r". Since THE writer is communicating in English, all we ARE asking is to use English. If these ARE words in another language, feel free to write in that language instead. Nobody has said you HAVE to write in English here, unless you ARE writing in English.

Wow, still missing the point. You are volunteering here. Nobody says you have to participate. The request is for you to donate SPARE, UNUSED CPU cycles that are otherwise wasted. No one has asked you to donate money. WCG does not ask you to generate additional cycles for its use at more cost. In this spirit, a member has no financial investment. Someone building a massive machine solely to crunch does not compel WCG to compensate the member either morally or financially.

As for demanding changes to WCG policy
I'm not demanding legal commitments, only moral statements
You refuse to accept the reality that you have no standing to expect such compliance. The concrete wall has got to be hurting by now. crying

btw, I have not OPPOSED transparency. What I disagree with is the conspiracy theory presented where you have said that a) WCG is not ensuring the implementation of the WCG guideline regarding use of results, b) certain researchers you have named are directly profiting form WCG results, c) WCG is directly and intentionally deceiving members and d) you want WCG to prove that your unproven theory is in practice. devilish

This is a scientist-driven project not a user-driven project
You disagree with this statement. Let's test it. If all 6 scientific groups stop today, WCG dies. If 60 members stop participating, WCG continues on. Now, you are going to come back with 'if all members stop'. While affecting 6 scientific groups is quite possible, it is mathematically insignificant to get ALL members to stop, therefore a fallacious rebuttal.

Nor does this counter the conspiracy theory (sic)
we r no conspiracy theorist...nor do we use their methods!
what we have r a FACTS, that certain individuals r in some committees
Saying you have a fact, then presenting a false conclusion, ignoring the obvious and backing that up with a fallacy means you have nothing. Membership in a committee does not equate profiting from the results. Guilt by association is one of the oldest conspiracy theories in history.
But if this is really that much of an issue for you, you don't belong here. If you really believe that WCG is contributing to the subversion of the integrity of scientific research then continuing to contribute should be fundamentally inconsistent with your ethical stance and you need to act on that.
Possibly the only thing that twilyth has ever written which I agree with, and it pretty much sums up the situation you find yourself in
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

[Sep 30, 2015 8:33:35 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: WCG's ethical guidelines for volunteer DC

That's it?

After all this we get a hushing, instead of an apology for the deceptive marketing of this grid. How about some basic transparency, WCG?

The apology should come from the member who posted such foul language here.

I haven't said anything wrong about any of forum members in this topic! so should I say sorry to the some company?

The apology should be to the members who happened to read your invective.
& I did mean what I wrote...
That's disgusting.

it's a FREE World it or don't!

as it happens, I do have some standings & opinions...firm ones, usually!

& least I think they are productive?!
if u don't, go read other topics...

As for English, last time I read (well, checked) the Oxford English Dictionary, there are no such words as "d" or "u" or "r". Since THE writer is communicating in English, all we ARE asking is to use English. If these ARE words in another language, feel free to write in that language instead. Nobody has said you HAVE to write in English here, unless you ARE writing in English.

Wow, still missing the point. You are volunteering here. Nobody says you have to participate. The request is for you to donate SPARE, UNUSED CPU cycles that are otherwise wasted. No one has asked you to donate money. WCG does not ask you to generate additional cycles for its use at more cost. In this spirit, a member has no financial investment. Someone building a massive machine solely to crunch does not compel WCG to compensate the member either morally or financially.

well, imagine them...u do have some imagination left? right?
4 me it's easier 2 type in shorter forms...some have problems following my texts...but also, most people can't follow me in my own country! so I'm used 2 that, being a slightly faster in thinking, speaking, acting... wink

again, we point out:
WE donate our electricity (in a form of a paid bills) for a certain things about donations have been asked be4, but that's another topic!
if WCG doesn't bother 2 C some perspective in transparency, maybe we should leave & leak this topic 2 d press?! what do u think about that?
we can give our CPU power 2 any of d other projects in d World...preferably with MORE transparency than WCG...'cause their lack of transparency or @ least a comment like "Will get a look in2 it?" (like we have so often got) - says me sthg:
1. they r in some kind of a deal with scientists & corporations?!
2. they don't care?!

frankly, I don't know which is worse?
so far nobody from WCG Tech or research scientists have come here 2 dispute us! wrote a word, a sentence...that is how much they care!
& what do they get? a millions of $ donated in CPU power every day! over a billion $ per year in those research...
even those kids that I donate 2 (check freely my non-profit page on FB) have a decency 2 be grateful, 2 say thank u & 2 smile...that's what I get for my donations of FREE computers 2 those that can't buy them, but need them 4 school or university...& that computer costs less than a $500...
out donations in electric bills costs quite a bit more! so yes, that is why I ask some questions...'cause I do want to donate my computer power 2 all human kind! not only to some individuals or corporations...FREE, like a GPL...FREE like a freeware...
---------------------------------------- & PS3 Life@home

non-profit org. Play4Life in Zagreb, Croatia
[Edit 1 times, last edit by KLiK at Sep 30, 2015 10:40:20 PM]
[Sep 30, 2015 10:16:22 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: WCG's ethical guidelines for volunteer DC

While I'd love to continue this discussion, unfortunately it's going much too fast for the amount of time I have to contribute, so I guess I'll just have to summarize my view and clarify a point. In summary, I don't think any additional "transparency" is warranted, because the information is obviously available for those who really want to know about the researchers' links to corporations. It's good that you brought it up for those of us who don't have time to make such inquiries. Also, the researchers are typically more responsive than WCG themselves, who must have a skeleton crew based on how often we hear from official staff members and the lack of progress on basic issues that have persisted for years. If there were any particular project or subproject that showed signs of a questionable relationship, I would stop contributing and make sure that others were aware of the connection(s). Obviously, news travels fast amongst the users.

Any of these organizations could create their own project without WCG's help, though they likely chose them because of the technical infrastructure, assistance, and an established base of contributors.

No, they couldn't. CEP2 is a multibillion dollar project we're participating in. Every month we are contributing electricity worth many millions of dollars. Money they don't have to pay -- and I'm not even mentioning the capital depreciation of the hardware, which, when it comes to computers, is brutal. The reason corporations are not doing this, is because of the massive amount of calculations that need to be done while the value of the outcome is highly speculative.

My point here is that BOINC is open-source software; the projects already had their research applications set up before they were sent to WCG. Although WCG is one of the top 5 projects in users/hosts and obviously needs a more robust infrastructure than most, the majority of BOINC projects run on nothing more than a single server. Since a number of other research projects have managed to create BOINC projects of varying sizes, it's certain that they could have managed it on their own--but they would not have enjoyed the publicity and user base that WCG was able to provide.

Also, if a project needed direct control of hardware (something that BOINC doesn't provide) then most of the cloud-based services (Amazon AWS, etc.) can generally provide those services on a more cost-effective basis.
[Oct 1, 2015 1:03:37 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: WCG's ethical guidelines for volunteer DC

Possibly the only thing that twilyth has ever written which I agree with, and it pretty much sums up the situation you find yourself in
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

Weird. I don't even remember who you are, but I assume I must have kicked your puppy on one or more occasions.

[Oct 1, 2015 4:13:10 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: WCG's ethical guidelines for volunteer DC

... If there were any particular project or subproject that showed signs of a questionable relationship, I would stop contributing and make sure that others were aware of the connection(s). Obviously, news travels fast amongst the users.

thank u 4 a support!
it's obvious that most of us care about our donations of CPU power & time...& look @ our donations as a FREE software (freeware) 2 all human kind!
---------------------------------------- & PS3 Life@home

non-profit org. Play4Life in Zagreb, Croatia
[Oct 1, 2015 6:29:40 AM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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Re: WCG's ethical guidelines for volunteer DC

I've edited my first comment to better reflect the discussion later in the thread.

I would also like to thank the people who criticized my comments and thereby helping me to formulate the suggestion in a more structured way. Please continue to post new comments so that new readers can find the thread at the top of the flow in the suggestion forum. Thanks. laughing
[Edit 1 times, last edit by Former Member at Oct 1, 2015 8:49:55 PM]
[Oct 1, 2015 8:44:08 PM]   Link   Report threatening or abusive post: please login first  Go to top 
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