All the new Cherry tarts???

Moderators: Rachel Kent, ACOT Employee

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Cherry Garcia
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Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by Mycreativerootscrafts »

FoxyStamping wrote:
Sat May 13, 2023 7:43 am
Good morning!  Some great reading here this morning.  I will introduce myself.  I originally was invited by a friend in 2019.  I came and posted a few scrap layouts, but the site was just too difficult to navigate.  Truthfully, it still is.  But I am trying.  The same friend invited me again for NSD.  These challenges got me to scrapping again.  I have so much stuff I need to use up.  I am old,  and will never use it up before I leave! LOL. I also make cards, mixed media and do junk journals.  I am active on another website and have been for over 20 years, doing their challenges.  I follow you tubers and do their challenges, and I have a very low key. blog.

I hope to get to know people here, as there seems to be a lot going on.  I am trying just to finish up a few more challenges for NSD.  I find a challenge, do it, then have a difficult time finding that challenge again! LOL

This morning , I saw this about newbies.  I am definitely a Newbie!  As for living on a sailboat, my dream!  Wow!
we have been on about 12 cruises, all scrapped, all before the pandemic.  Miss cruising!  I am so glad we had done our traveling and we’re retired when all of that started. 
well, I talk too much.  I just wanted to say hi, and introduce myself.  I look forward to getting to know you on here and to finding my way around on here.

Im so glad you found us!! Thank you for introducing yourself! I'm glad you are enjoying the challenges and hope to see you around after. We do host monthly challenges here. The ladies in the forum are very welcoming and helpful. So please don't hesitate to ask questions if you need help navigating. I asked allot of questions and still do 😁
Always grateful for this journey, Flora

Instagram @mycreativerootscrafts

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Cherry Garcia
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Location: Houston Texas

Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by Mycreativerootscrafts »

Mommyof5 wrote:
Sat May 13, 2023 10:32 am
Good Morning!  
Nice meeting everyone!! 
I guess I can't really consider myself a NEWBIE here, even though I have few posts. I joined in 2020 with NSD.
And. like many of you, I was quite active in the industry way back when it was popular.  
 However, I began scrapbooking in 1997 when I had my first child.  I started out with Creative Memories and I loved it so much that I became a consultant.  I had quite a large client base, I taught classes, held regular crops, annual retreats, etc.  That eventually evolved into my designing for kit clubs, then smaller Manufacturers, then the big ones.  By 2012, I had built quite a following, had designed or guest designed for all of the popular ones, as well as many others, and I was living the live of a scrapbooking-stay at home Mom.  I did this for almost 2 decades, raising 5 kids, owning my own Specialty cake shop (yes, like Duff) and I was happy.  Then, in 2012 my husband (at the time) was laid off from work and we struggled a bit.  I started working part time at a Tax service, then in June 2013, I was offered a position with my county.  The day after I accepted the job, my husband left the house for work (it was a Friday) and called me within 20 minutes,,,still driving in to work.  He said he was he was glad that I had gotten that Job, because he was leaving me and I needed to get a few thing in order and put into my name. It was a blow, but I was able to get through it.That weekend was his birthday, and he left. I literally became a Single Mom raising 5 kids OVER NIGHT.  I was determined to shield my kids from that impact as much as I could, so I maintained as much normalcy in the house as possible...including my scrapbooking and design teams. June of 2014 our divorce was final.
July of 2015, i was laid off from the job I had, and I was terrified... I was still a single Mom raising 5 kids, with very little help from their Dad. I was not scrapbooking as much, but still did on occasion...when we went to the park on a picnic etc.  I was determined not to let the kids to feel the impact of my struggles.  
On January 9th, 2016, my whole world shattered.  My oldest son was killed in a hit and run accident on his way to work. Five days later, on January 14th, I buried him on what should have been his 19th birthday.  I was devastated and a complete mess.  I was down on my knees begging God to stop throwing these boulders at I literally could not take it anymore.  He had taken EVERYTHING from me, and my life as I knew it no longer existed. 
All I had left were my 4 kids, and I had to figure out how to get us through this. I was a single Mom, raising 4 kids who had just lost their family in a divorce, then their brother himself shortly after. I was literally ALONE, and I needed to figure out what life was going to look like for us going forward. At some point that year, my scrapbook supplies went up into the attic and were forgotten.  We lived in a hazy fog for many many months. As if loosing their brother wasn't enough, their Dad bailed, too.  He moved in with his girlfriend and didn't have anything to do with our kids until November of 2019.  God had put me in a place that there was no way but up.  I was down on my knees, begging Him for mercy, praying for guidance, and HOPING TO GOD that the choices I was making were good.  I was all my kids had left, and EVERYTHING was on my shoulders.  Literally.  I did not go out with friends, I did not go "party" like many "free and single Moms" would do. If I wasn't at work, I was spending every moment focusing on my kids and their well being.  My youngest daughter once told me that they didn't just loose their brother, they lost their dad too.  And my heart broke for my kids.  I was determined to absorb as much of the pain and impact of these life changes for them as I could.  I shielded them as much as possible and maintained as much normalcy as I could.  We continued having dinner at the table, we did everything together, and every moment of my life revolved around my kids.  
Despite all of the boulders that God threw at me, I did not turn to drugs or alcohol, and I did not give up on myself or my kids. I also did nothing at all for was truly all for them.  I guess I did something right, because all 5 of my kids graduated in the top 15% of their youngest graduates in 2 weeks.
Not one of my kids dropped out, not one turned to drugs, alcohol, or any other means of suppressing the pain.  We all healed together.  The 5 of us...I was Mom, I was Dad, I was the money maker and bill payer, I was grief Counselor and teacher, I was the rule maker and enforcer, I was the friend and confidant, I was the  the villian, and, somehow, I was also the Hero.
In 2019, we had all finally found some peace, two of my kids had graduated and 2 left to go...and I was able to finally relax and start doing something for myself. I met an amazing man that asked me to be his wife, and in August of 2021 , I did just that.  In 2020, I took my scrapbooking supplies out of my attic, and I joined this site, and participated in NSD for the first time in 7 years. I struggled at first, as EVERY single layout took forever for me to complete, because I cried and cried and cried ...and I was trying to work...but I couldn't see through the tears. I pushed through and didn't give up.  I finised maybe 5 projects that year??  i can't remember.  But THIS SITE, and THESE LADIES, and THESE challenges are what brought back my mojo and love for scrapbooking.  They helped when they didn't even know they were helping.  I didn't comment much, but I read.  I read a lot and learned alot obout all the beautiful people here.  I joined in occasionally when I could, but I ALWAYS snuck in and read, and did the challenges, even if I didn't put them into the gallery.  that first year was a struggle...but this site helped me.  Then, in 2022, I spent the week of my son's death at a beach house...doing nothing but scrapbooking. That is when I let the healing process really work, and that is when I got back into the industry...that is when I decided I had found this part of my life again. THIS SITE helped me more than any one of these ladies will ever know. 
VERY long winded hello...

But Hello, My name is Misty and I am addicted to scrapbooking. (AGAIN) 

Misty thank you for blessing us and sharing your journey ❤ what a journey it has been!! I'm thankful to God that he was there every step of the way. I'm sorry for your heart break. I rejoice with you in the victories! Sending air hugs!! The strength and love you showered your children with is a beautiful testament! I am so glad you are here! Thank you for your bravery and vulnerability in opening up to us. I look forward to getting to know you more and more!!
Always grateful for this journey, Flora

Instagram @mycreativerootscrafts

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Jolly Holly Scraps
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Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by Jolly Holly Scraps »

Hello new - and vintage - Cherries!
This board warmed my heart and tugged at my heartstrings, too!

I found this ACOT in 2020 and discovered the message boards a little bit after- I started sharing my projects for challenges in 2021 and the rest, as they say, is history!
This wonderful group has lifted me up more times than they know!

In short, I had suffered through some personal tragedies and took several years off from scrapbooking while I was rebuilding my life. When the COVID started making life crazy, I re-discovered scrapbooking and ACOT and the Cherries AND have been hanging around since! Lol!
I also do mixed media art, though lately not as much as I scrapbook!

This was my 3rd NSD, and I've had time an amazing time! Not ONLY have I bashed some stash and had some serious fun- I EVEN managed to scrap a picture from 20 years ago and tell the story behind it via hidden journaling!!
It feels good to do NSD, and I look forward to next year already!!
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Cherry Cola
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Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by traveler »

amysolovay wrote:
Fri May 12, 2023 8:37 pm
Hi Flora! Nice to "meet" you.

I'm not sure whether I count as a "newbie" here or not. I'm new to the message board part of the operation. But back in scrapbooking's heyday, prior to the "Great Financial Crisis", I used to have a network of craft websites, and I promoted ACOT as an affiliate. I think I got started with that around 2007ish.

Then the Great Financial Crisis hit. My husband and I both lost our jobs at about the same time. We'd been living in Santa Barbara, which is an expensive area. We knew we couldn't stay there because our jobs were irreplaceable in the immediate area. Neither one of us wanted to leave SB, though.

We met a man who told us that it was possible to live for free in Santa Barbara if you had a boat to live aboard. That was an interesting idea to us, so we checked it out.

Pretty quickly we realized the dude wasn't technically wrong, it is possible, but it isn't anything any sane person would want to do. But we did decide that living aboard a boat sounded like something we wanted to try.

Long story short, we decided to move aboard a sailboat and go cruising. We had some crazy adventures!

I had already been dabbling with website building and freelance writing, so I ramped that up. But the paper crafts couldn't come with me aboard a rocking sailboat, so I took a long hiatus from scrapbooking. I still promote ACOT as an affiliate, but I lost a lot of momentum with paper crafts while we were out cruising. My best freelance writing gig at that time was writing about crochet for, and I spent most of my time and energy working on that.

Nowadays, I'm a "landlubber" again and working on documenting our sailing adventures in my scrapbooks. I am also working on consolidating my network of craft websites into one gigantic craft site instead of having bunches of separate sites. It is taking longer than I thought it would. I'm having to rebuild all the paper crafts sections because a lot of my old stuff went outdated and had to be taken down. Nowadays, my craft site has more crochet content than anything else, and I am having to work extra hard at ramping up the paper crafts content.

So, on one hand, I have been a fan of this business for a long time. But on the other hand, I didn't realize until recently that ACOT has an active message board; I'm definitely new to the message boards. I am glad to make the discovery!

What draws you to ACOT, Flora? Are you into scrapbooking, card-making, mixed media, planner crafts, needlework or ??????

what a fabulous adventure. welcome to ACOT.

Image Image Image Image Image

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Cherry Jubilee
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Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by CarrieG »

thank you cherry friends for sharing your stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!  humbled and honored to share in the journeys!
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Cherry Blossom
Posts: 110
Gallery: 33

Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by amysolovay »

FoxyStamping wrote:
Sat May 13, 2023 7:43 am
Good morning!  Some great reading here this morning.  I will introduce myself.  I originally was invited by a friend in 2019.  I came and posted a few scrap layouts, but the site was just too difficult to navigate.  Truthfully, it still is.  But I am trying.  The same friend invited me again for NSD.  These challenges got me to scrapping again.  I have so much stuff I need to use up.  I am old,  and will never use it up before I leave! LOL. I also make cards, mixed media and do junk journals.  I am active on another website and have been for over 20 years, doing their challenges.  I follow you tubers and do their challenges, and I have a very low key. blog.

I hope to get to know people here, as there seems to be a lot going on.  I am trying just to finish up a few more challenges for NSD.  I find a challenge, do it, then have a difficult time finding that challenge again! LOL

This morning , I saw this about newbies.  I am definitely a Newbie!  As for living on a sailboat, my dream!  Wow!
we have been on about 12 cruises, all scrapped, all before the pandemic.  Miss cruising!  I am so glad we had done our traveling and we’re retired when all of that started. 
well, I talk too much.  I just wanted to say hi, and introduce myself.  I look forward to getting to know you on here and to finding my way around on here.

Hi "Foxystamping"! Nice to "meet" you. All those cruises sound like fun! I have never been on a cruise ship where the staff takes care of all the navigation and it's up to you to just relax and enjoy. That sounds like my idea of heaven! I have been on a few boat charters, but they were all day trips.

Our cruising was all done before COVID, too -- and I am right there with you in being glad we weren't out cruising when that all went down.
Want to be InstaFriends? I invite you to follow me on Instagram; I'm @amysolovay. I'd love to follow you, too; please feel free to mention your Insta-ID to me, especially if your account is private, so I can be sure of finding you there.

I also invite you to check out my craft blog at if you'd like to see the paper craft and crochet projects I've been making lately. Thanks for your interest!
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Cherry Blossom
Posts: 110
Gallery: 33

Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by amysolovay »

Mommyof5 wrote:
Sat May 13, 2023 10:32 am
Good Morning!  
Nice meeting everyone!! 
I guess I can't really consider myself a NEWBIE here, even though I have few posts. I joined in 2020 with NSD.
And. like many of you, I was quite active in the industry way back when it was popular.  
 However, I began scrapbooking in 1997 when I had my first child.  I started out with Creative Memories and I loved it so much that I became a consultant.  I had quite a large client base, I taught classes, held regular crops, annual retreats, etc.  That eventually evolved into my designing for kit clubs, then smaller Manufacturers, then the big ones.  By 2012, I had built quite a following, had designed or guest designed for all of the popular ones, as well as many others, and I was living the live of a scrapbooking-stay at home Mom.  I did this for almost 2 decades, raising 5 kids, owning my own Specialty cake shop (yes, like Duff) and I was happy.  Then, in 2012 my husband (at the time) was laid off from work and we struggled a bit.  I started working part time at a Tax service, then in June 2013, I was offered a position with my county.  The day after I accepted the job, my husband left the house for work (it was a Friday) and called me within 20 minutes,,,still driving in to work.  He said he was he was glad that I had gotten that Job, because he was leaving me and I needed to get a few thing in order and put into my name. It was a blow, but I was able to get through it.That weekend was his birthday, and he left. I literally became a Single Mom raising 5 kids OVER NIGHT.  I was determined to shield my kids from that impact as much as I could, so I maintained as much normalcy in the house as possible...including my scrapbooking and design teams. June of 2014 our divorce was final.
July of 2015, i was laid off from the job I had, and I was terrified... I was still a single Mom raising 5 kids, with very little help from their Dad. I was not scrapbooking as much, but still did on occasion...when we went to the park on a picnic etc.  I was determined not to let the kids to feel the impact of my struggles.  
On January 9th, 2016, my whole world shattered.  My oldest son was killed in a hit and run accident on his way to work. Five days later, on January 14th, I buried him on what should have been his 19th birthday.  I was devastated and a complete mess.  I was down on my knees begging God to stop throwing these boulders at I literally could not take it anymore.  He had taken EVERYTHING from me, and my life as I knew it no longer existed. 
All I had left were my 4 kids, and I had to figure out how to get us through this. I was a single Mom, raising 4 kids who had just lost their family in a divorce, then their brother himself shortly after. I was literally ALONE, and I needed to figure out what life was going to look like for us going forward. At some point that year, my scrapbook supplies went up into the attic and were forgotten.  We lived in a hazy fog for many many months. As if loosing their brother wasn't enough, their Dad bailed, too.  He moved in with his girlfriend and didn't have anything to do with our kids until November of 2019.  God had put me in a place that there was no way but up.  I was down on my knees, begging Him for mercy, praying for guidance, and HOPING TO GOD that the choices I was making were good.  I was all my kids had left, and EVERYTHING was on my shoulders.  Literally.  I did not go out with friends, I did not go "party" like many "free and single Moms" would do. If I wasn't at work, I was spending every moment focusing on my kids and their well being.  My youngest daughter once told me that they didn't just loose their brother, they lost their dad too.  And my heart broke for my kids.  I was determined to absorb as much of the pain and impact of these life changes for them as I could.  I shielded them as much as possible and maintained as much normalcy as I could.  We continued having dinner at the table, we did everything together, and every moment of my life revolved around my kids.  
Despite all of the boulders that God threw at me, I did not turn to drugs or alcohol, and I did not give up on myself or my kids. I also did nothing at all for was truly all for them.  I guess I did something right, because all 5 of my kids graduated in the top 15% of their youngest graduates in 2 weeks.
Not one of my kids dropped out, not one turned to drugs, alcohol, or any other means of suppressing the pain.  We all healed together.  The 5 of us...I was Mom, I was Dad, I was the money maker and bill payer, I was grief Counselor and teacher, I was the rule maker and enforcer, I was the friend and confidant, I was the  the villian, and, somehow, I was also the Hero.
In 2019, we had all finally found some peace, two of my kids had graduated and 2 left to go...and I was able to finally relax and start doing something for myself. I met an amazing man that asked me to be his wife, and in August of 2021 , I did just that.  In 2020, I took my scrapbooking supplies out of my attic, and I joined this site, and participated in NSD for the first time in 7 years. I struggled at first, as EVERY single layout took forever for me to complete, because I cried and cried and cried ...and I was trying to work...but I couldn't see through the tears. I pushed through and didn't give up.  I finised maybe 5 projects that year??  i can't remember.  But THIS SITE, and THESE LADIES, and THESE challenges are what brought back my mojo and love for scrapbooking.  They helped when they didn't even know they were helping.  I didn't comment much, but I read.  I read a lot and learned alot obout all the beautiful people here.  I joined in occasionally when I could, but I ALWAYS snuck in and read, and did the challenges, even if I didn't put them into the gallery.  that first year was a struggle...but this site helped me.  Then, in 2022, I spent the week of my son's death at a beach house...doing nothing but scrapbooking. That is when I let the healing process really work, and that is when I got back into the industry...that is when I decided I had found this part of my life again. THIS SITE helped me more than any one of these ladies will ever know. 
VERY long winded hello...

But Hello, My name is Misty and I am addicted to scrapbooking. (AGAIN) 

Hi Misty! I am so glad you found your way here and glad you are scrapping again! I cannot even imagine how hard all that must have been for you. I am glad you have found true love again and that your broken heart is healing. Also, congrats on raising at least 2 of your kids to adulthood -- that is an amazing accomplishment! What about the other 2? Are they still in school, or have they graduated now, too? Either way, I hope your Mother's Day was a wonderful one!!
Want to be InstaFriends? I invite you to follow me on Instagram; I'm @amysolovay. I'd love to follow you, too; please feel free to mention your Insta-ID to me, especially if your account is private, so I can be sure of finding you there.

I also invite you to check out my craft blog at if you'd like to see the paper craft and crochet projects I've been making lately. Thanks for your interest!
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Cherry Garcia
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Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by Mycreativerootscrafts »

JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:56 am
Hello new - and vintage - Cherries!
This board warmed my heart and tugged at my heartstrings, too!

I found this ACOT in 2020 and discovered the message boards a little bit after- I started sharing my projects for challenges in 2021 and the rest, as they say, is history!
This wonderful group has lifted me up more times than they know!

In short, I had suffered through some personal tragedies and took several years off from scrapbooking while I was rebuilding my life. When the COVID started making life crazy, I re-discovered scrapbooking and ACOT and the Cherries AND have been hanging around since! Lol!
I also do mixed media art, though lately not as much as I scrapbook!

This was my 3rd NSD, and I've had time an amazing time! Not ONLY have I bashed some stash and had some serious fun- I EVEN managed to scrap a picture from 20 years ago and tell the story behind it via hidden journaling!!
It feels good to do NSD, and I look forward to next year already!!

This is such an amazing community!! I'm so glad im here and meeting sweet ladies like you!! I look forward to next year's NSD too. I just need a nap first lol
Always grateful for this journey, Flora

Instagram @mycreativerootscrafts

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Cherry Garcia
Posts: 4258
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Location: Houston Texas

Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by Mycreativerootscrafts »

CarrieG wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 12:00 pm
thank you cherry friends for sharing your stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!  humbled and honored to share in the journeys!

Isn't it so amazing to get to hear such beautiful journeys!! I love ACOT!
Always grateful for this journey, Flora

Instagram @mycreativerootscrafts

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Cherry Blossom
Posts: 110
Gallery: 33

Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by amysolovay »

JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:56 am
Hello new - and vintage - Cherries!
This board warmed my heart and tugged at my heartstrings, too!

I found this ACOT in 2020 and discovered the message boards a little bit after- I started sharing my projects for challenges in 2021 and the rest, as they say, is history!
This wonderful group has lifted me up more times than they know!

In short, I had suffered through some personal tragedies and took several years off from scrapbooking while I was rebuilding my life. When the COVID started making life crazy, I re-discovered scrapbooking and ACOT and the Cherries AND have been hanging around since! Lol!
I also do mixed media art, though lately not as much as I scrapbook!

This was my 3rd NSD, and I've had time an amazing time! Not ONLY have I bashed some stash and had some serious fun- I EVEN managed to scrap a picture from 20 years ago and tell the story behind it via hidden journaling!!
It feels good to do NSD, and I look forward to next year already!!

Hi Jolly Holly! Nice to "meet" you. I'm a mixed media art fanatic too, although, like you, I am not spending as much time on that as I am on scrapbooking these days. Mixed media finds its way into a lot of my scrapbooking pages, though; I stamp or stencil on most of my layouts. I'm "cheating", too, by buying papers where the mixed media is already printed on the page (think Vicki Boutin + Craft Consortium's Grunge paper pads...) I am glad you had a productive NSD / week!
Want to be InstaFriends? I invite you to follow me on Instagram; I'm @amysolovay. I'd love to follow you, too; please feel free to mention your Insta-ID to me, especially if your account is private, so I can be sure of finding you there.

I also invite you to check out my craft blog at if you'd like to see the paper craft and crochet projects I've been making lately. Thanks for your interest!
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Cherry Blossom
Posts: 110
Gallery: 33

Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by amysolovay »

trainmom wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 10:11 am

what a fabulous adventure. welcome to ACOT.

Hi Louise! Thanks for the kind words and the warm welcome! I am glad to be here.
Want to be InstaFriends? I invite you to follow me on Instagram; I'm @amysolovay. I'd love to follow you, too; please feel free to mention your Insta-ID to me, especially if your account is private, so I can be sure of finding you there.

I also invite you to check out my craft blog at if you'd like to see the paper craft and crochet projects I've been making lately. Thanks for your interest!
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Cherry Blossom
Posts: 110
Gallery: 33

Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by amysolovay »

CarrieG wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 12:00 pm
thank you cherry friends for sharing your stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!  humbled and honored to share in the journeys!

Hi Carrie!
Want to be InstaFriends? I invite you to follow me on Instagram; I'm @amysolovay. I'd love to follow you, too; please feel free to mention your Insta-ID to me, especially if your account is private, so I can be sure of finding you there.

I also invite you to check out my craft blog at if you'd like to see the paper craft and crochet projects I've been making lately. Thanks for your interest!
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Cherry Blossom
Posts: 110
Gallery: 33

Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by amysolovay »

Florac74 wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 2:26 am
JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:56 am
Hello new - and vintage - Cherries!
This board warmed my heart and tugged at my heartstrings, too!

I found this ACOT in 2020 and discovered the message boards a little bit after- I started sharing my projects for challenges in 2021 and the rest, as they say, is history!
This wonderful group has lifted me up more times than they know!

In short, I had suffered through some personal tragedies and took several years off from scrapbooking while I was rebuilding my life. When the COVID started making life crazy, I re-discovered scrapbooking and ACOT and the Cherries AND have been hanging around since! Lol!
I also do mixed media art, though lately not as much as I scrapbook!

This was my 3rd NSD, and I've had time an amazing time! Not ONLY have I bashed some stash and had some serious fun- I EVEN managed to scrap a picture from 20 years ago and tell the story behind it via hidden journaling!!
It feels good to do NSD, and I look forward to next year already!!

This is such an amazing community!! I'm so glad im here and meeting sweet ladies like you!! I look forward to next year's NSD too. I just need a nap first lol

Haha! Yes I definitely need a nap! A LONG one. Will someone please wake me up when it's NSD next year? thanks.
Want to be InstaFriends? I invite you to follow me on Instagram; I'm @amysolovay. I'd love to follow you, too; please feel free to mention your Insta-ID to me, especially if your account is private, so I can be sure of finding you there.

I also invite you to check out my craft blog at if you'd like to see the paper craft and crochet projects I've been making lately. Thanks for your interest!
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Cherry Garcia
Posts: 4258
Gallery: 198
Location: Houston Texas

Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by Mycreativerootscrafts »

amysolovay wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 2:43 am
Florac74 wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 2:26 am
JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:56 am
Hello new - and vintage - Cherries!
This board warmed my heart and tugged at my heartstrings, too!

I found this ACOT in 2020 and discovered the message boards a little bit after- I started sharing my projects for challenges in 2021 and the rest, as they say, is history!
This wonderful group has lifted me up more times than they know!

In short, I had suffered through some personal tragedies and took several years off from scrapbooking while I was rebuilding my life. When the COVID started making life crazy, I re-discovered scrapbooking and ACOT and the Cherries AND have been hanging around since! Lol!
I also do mixed media art, though lately not as much as I scrapbook!

This was my 3rd NSD, and I've had time an amazing time! Not ONLY have I bashed some stash and had some serious fun- I EVEN managed to scrap a picture from 20 years ago and tell the story behind it via hidden journaling!!
It feels good to do NSD, and I look forward to next year already!!

This is such an amazing community!! I'm so glad im here and meeting sweet ladies like you!! I look forward to next year's NSD too. I just need a nap first lol

Haha! Yes I definitely need a nap! A LONG one. Will someone please wake me up when it's NSD next year? thanks.

Hopefully we will see you around for the monthly challenges 😁 a little nap first though 🤣
Always grateful for this journey, Flora

Instagram @mycreativerootscrafts

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Cherry Blossom
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Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by amysolovay »

Florac74 wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 2:49 am
amysolovay wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 2:43 am
Florac74 wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 2:26 am

This is such an amazing community!! I'm so glad im here and meeting sweet ladies like you!! I look forward to next year's NSD too. I just need a nap first lol

Haha! Yes I definitely need a nap! A LONG one. Will someone please wake me up when it's NSD next year? thanks.

Hopefully we will see you around for the monthly challenges 😁 a little nap first though 🤣

Thanks for making me feel so welcome, Flora. 💕 I really appreciate it!

I will definitely hang around these forums more when time permits. I am going to have to get back to working hard for the next few days, but my schedule frees up a bit after I finish the current project I have on my plate, so I will definitely check back ASAP.
Want to be InstaFriends? I invite you to follow me on Instagram; I'm @amysolovay. I'd love to follow you, too; please feel free to mention your Insta-ID to me, especially if your account is private, so I can be sure of finding you there.

I also invite you to check out my craft blog at if you'd like to see the paper craft and crochet projects I've been making lately. Thanks for your interest!
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Jolly Holly Scraps
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Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by Jolly Holly Scraps »

amysolovay wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 2:33 am
JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Mon May 15, 2023 9:56 am
Hello new - and vintage - Cherries!
This board warmed my heart and tugged at my heartstrings, too!

I found this ACOT in 2020 and discovered the message boards a little bit after- I started sharing my projects for challenges in 2021 and the rest, as they say, is history!
This wonderful group has lifted me up more times than they know!

In short, I had suffered through some personal tragedies and took several years off from scrapbooking while I was rebuilding my life. When the COVID started making life crazy, I re-discovered scrapbooking and ACOT and the Cherries AND have been hanging around since! Lol!
I also do mixed media art, though lately not as much as I scrapbook!

This was my 3rd NSD, and I've had time an amazing time! Not ONLY have I bashed some stash and had some serious fun- I EVEN managed to scrap a picture from 20 years ago and tell the story behind it via hidden journaling!!
It feels good to do NSD, and I look forward to next year already!!

Hi Jolly Holly! Nice to "meet" you. I'm a mixed media art fanatic too, although, like you, I am not spending as much time on that as I am on scrapbooking these days. Mixed media finds its way into a lot of my scrapbooking pages, though; I stamp or stencil on most of my layouts. I'm "cheating", too, by buying papers where the mixed media is already printed on the page (think Vicki Boutin + Craft Consortium's Grunge paper pads...) I am glad you had a productive NSD / week!
Nice to meet you, too!!! (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠) I honestly love it here!
Oh and yes! Lol I "cheat" sometimes, too! Lol! Years ago I bought paper pads that a grunge/mixed media feel to them, and I STILL have a few sheets left! Funny how some things just stick with us!! Lol mixed media just feels right most of the time! And those Vicki Boutin papers are Soo awesome! Lol I'm ALSO in love with 49 and Market papers; if I had more technology right now (ie, a working computer and printer) I would probably spend just as much printing my own! Lol!
Oh and I'm all about stamps, too!! LoL! I spent a good chunk of my tax money on stamps haha! You know my reasoning was all, oh, I'll be able to use these forever!! (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠) of course, I'll pick up stencils, too, whenever I get the chance lol!
Welcome to ACOT!! It REALLY is a blast around here!
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by amysolovay »

JollyHollyScraps wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 10:39 am

Nice to meet you, too!!! (⁠✷⁠‿⁠✷⁠) I honestly love it here!
Oh and yes! Lol I "cheat" sometimes, too! Lol! Years ago I bought paper pads that a grunge/mixed media feel to them, and I STILL have a few sheets left! Funny how some things just stick with us!! Lol mixed media just feels right most of the time! And those Vicki Boutin papers are Soo awesome! Lol I'm ALSO in love with 49 and Market papers; if I had more technology right now (ie, a working computer and printer) I would probably spend just as much printing my own! Lol!
Oh and I'm all about stamps, too!! LoL! I spent a good chunk of my tax money on stamps haha! You know my reasoning was all, oh, I'll be able to use these forever!! (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠) of course, I'll pick up stencils, too, whenever I get the chance lol!
Welcome to ACOT!! It REALLY is a blast around here!

YES to 49 and Market, too!!!! They are one of my top favorite manufacturers! I have several favorite designers of scrapbooking supplies, and Katie Pertiet is one of them -- I love every last collection she designed for 49 and Market, and also the collections she designed for Simple Stories when she was working with them (Coastal, Simple Vintage Seas, etc).

Katie makes a lot of the same collections available in digital format, too, so lately I messed around with digital scrapbooking a bit. Her website was really helpful for that. Ultimately decided that I prefer physical scrapbooking because I like getting messy with inks and paints and stamps, but I will have to do some of my scrapping digitally (the journaling in particular!) if I hope to finish all the projects I have started in this lifetime. Also, I am planning to use digital washi tapes and "epoxies" because the real-life versions don't hold up well in the long term, in my experience. So I am doing a lot of my projects hybrid style now.

What stamp sets did you end up getting recently? Which ones are you most excited about, and what have you been making with them?

I used a 49 and Market stamp set to make a couple of the NSD pages for challenges this past week. Some of them I didn't get a chance to actually photograph and post, so I will have to get them uploaded ASAP.
Want to be InstaFriends? I invite you to follow me on Instagram; I'm @amysolovay. I'd love to follow you, too; please feel free to mention your Insta-ID to me, especially if your account is private, so I can be sure of finding you there.

I also invite you to check out my craft blog at if you'd like to see the paper craft and crochet projects I've been making lately. Thanks for your interest!
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Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by scrapy1967 »

Florac74 wrote:
Fri May 12, 2023 10:20 pm
scrapy1967 wrote:
Fri May 12, 2023 8:08 pm
I’m not a newbie but took a short hiatus when I realized I could paint. I have been taking lessons for a couple years now. If there’s anything you’d like to know about me ask away. 

Oooh I love painting as well!! Glad you found a new passion. Its always so much fun! 

Please share some of your work! I love seeing others!
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Cherry Jubilee
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Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by scrapy1967 »

amysolovay wrote:
Fri May 12, 2023 8:45 pm
scrapy1967 wrote:
Fri May 12, 2023 8:08 pm
I’m not a newbie but took a short hiatus when I realized I could paint. I have been taking lessons for a couple years now. If there’s anything you’d like to know about me ask away. 

Scrapy1967, what do you enjoy painting? Do you have a preferred media to paint with? 
I love painting landscapes. All landscapes but mostly old time scenes like barns, chapels, farmhouses and I prefer acrylic paint on canvas or wood. I did recently discover slate and love painting on it. 
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Cherry Blossom
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Re: All the new Cherry tarts???

Post by amysolovay »

scrapy1967 wrote:
Tue May 16, 2023 12:39 pm
amysolovay wrote:
Fri May 12, 2023 8:45 pm
scrapy1967 wrote:
Fri May 12, 2023 8:08 pm
I’m not a newbie but took a short hiatus when I realized I could paint. I have been taking lessons for a couple years now. If there’s anything you’d like to know about me ask away. 

Scrapy1967, what do you enjoy painting? Do you have a preferred media to paint with? 
I love painting landscapes. All landscapes but mostly old time scenes like barns, chapels, farmhouses and I prefer acrylic paint on canvas or wood. I did recently discover slate and love painting on it. 

I just took a peek at your gallery to see if you'd shared any pics of your paintings, and WOW! I love your work! I can see you put a lot of energy and creativity into your paintings. Thanks for sharing them!

I did a studio art minor in college, MANY years ago; because of that, I had a chance to try painting and drawing all kinds of different subjects. Landscapes are some of my favorites, but I find it really challenging to successfully reproduce buildings. Most of the painting I've done has been with either acrylic or gouache. I LOVE oils, too, but they are kind of a hassle to deal with, so I really haven't done much with oil.

I have the most experience with gouache because I also completed a degree in textile design. Back in those days, a lot of textiles started out as gouache paintings. Nowadays, there is still some of that, but a lot of that artwork is being done digitally now.
Want to be InstaFriends? I invite you to follow me on Instagram; I'm @amysolovay. I'd love to follow you, too; please feel free to mention your Insta-ID to me, especially if your account is private, so I can be sure of finding you there.

I also invite you to check out my craft blog at if you'd like to see the paper craft and crochet projects I've been making lately. Thanks for your interest!
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